💢💢💢Many unknown secrets about the speciality of the ebony tree💢💢💢💢 The tree in the picture is the tree 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳Ebony_tree This tree is one of the rarest trees. The energy of this tree is said to be one kilometer in circumference. This wood has a great ability to store electromagnetic energy and these pieces of wood are used to stabilize the urn during 🍀🍀🍀🍀 Temple_Kudamuzuk. It attracts the energy in the universe and mixes with that energy which is embedded in some plates under the idol in the sanctum and gives us immense power which can be felt in ancient temples. This tree has the power to destroy 💮💮💮negative_energy, so they make sculptures of this tree and keep it inside the house. This tree has the power to remove negative energy in the house. The rich people of that time 🍀🍀🍀walking_stick was made of ebony wood, so that the evil spirit does not pee on him, and the plunger used to pierce the grains should be made of this wood only… When children are teething, they make wooden toys from this tree, but only on the wood (1) to prevent wind and blackness from dying, (2) ) to get the necessary calcium nutrients for the child… If some people suffer from paralysis and have limited ability to function in one arm and leg, for problems such as hand tremors, if you keep these ebony logs in your hand and sit in the shade of this tree often and drink the water soaked in this log often, the problem will be solved. It is in this tree that they make the plunger. To be sure the cosmic energy goes down into the grains through the plunger and when we consume those grains we get a lot of energy. They put this plunger near adult women. After going to the crematorium, they will ask you to cross this plunger because it is to remove bad forces from us. During that time, people who lost their houses and property cut ebony trees and dry them, then on auspicious days they go to the temple of the clan deity and burn those logs and offer Pongal to Sami. It is said that if you sincerely pray and take the ashes from the oven and put them in a copper urn in the puja room at home and do puja every day, the lost property will be restored. In the same way, a person who does not get the grace of the clan deity, similarly, if he puts a pongal on it, just put a small piece of black wood on it, and if he worships with a pongal, he will get the grace of the clan deity in full. Uneducated children should be tapped three times on the head with this stick while studying in the morning. Changes in children’s studies can be seen in nine days. Gently tap the stick on the head. Once upon a time this stick was used for beating in the school hall. Instruments have changed over time. It is from this tree that the sails of the boats crossing the sea were built in the primitive times. That’s why thunder and lightning go down this steep tree and go under the sea. Fortune tellers on the streets hold this wooden stick in front of us and hold it in our hands to attract our thoughts. I think now you have some understanding about this tree. If you mix the powder of black pepper with black wood pieces and boil it in water, filter and drink it, it will cure cough, cold, heart failure, diabetes. Blood Pressure Lowers blood pressure. Removes toxins from the body. If the people who are lying sick because the planet is not right, sprinkle the water soaked in this block three times and wash their face and gently tap the block three times, they will see a change soon. It is said that after burning these logs, the ashes have been captured by the ghost… It is a good change for that mental disorder to be smeared on the forehead like vibhuti. This tree is suitable for those born under Gemini, Aries, Scorpio, Mrigaseerish, Ashwini, Anusham, Parani, Visagam Nakshatra. This tree is endowed with the virtues of Mars and sitting under the shade of this tree is beneficial. This tree can be grown indoors. Can be planted in temples. Very good your life will be better as the tree grows I am also growing this tree at home. The most auspicious tree for Murugan. So, where there is ebony, you can buy and keep good quality and pure ebony garlands, sticks, idols, tridents, where there is divine power, money will increase in wealth. It has many secrets. No time to tell, there are two types. Man gets energy from trees, man does not realize it, search and plant native trees, it will protect you. Realize the mystery behind the destruction of rare native trees here and the imposition of poisonous trees that have nothing to do with you. (Trees are higher than man)